Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can Tab Rings & Repurposing Dead Glow Sticks

One of my odd obsessions is collecting can tabs.  I might sell them one day, but the more and more I collect the more I lose the drive to sell them.

Can Tab Ring
That's a ton of tabs!!

Can Tab Ring
I should count these
You may notice the dead glow sticks I used to hold all the tabs.  Yes... I also hoard dead glow sticks...  See the thing is I love glow in the dark things (especially glow sticks).  I have 6 gauge holes in my ears which just so happens to be about the same thickness of a glow stick.  So that is correct, I wear glow sticks in my ears.  Now what am I supposed to do with all of those dead glow sticks...? well I haven't completely figured that out yet, but I sure as hell don't want to throw them out!  What a waste.  I do however use them for quite a few things though.  I use them as a hair band holder,  If you have a bunch of them u can use them to hold ping pong balls,  I use them to hold my bracelets or necklaces, and as you saw I use them as tab holders as well... hmmm.

If you have any cool ways you use dead glow sticks I would love to hear about them!

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  1. Glow bracelets and glow necklaces are considered novelty party products. They are referred to as glow sticks necklaces and bracelets sometimes because they are in essence special size glow sticks.
    Glow Necklaces

  2. Glow bracelets and glow necklaces are considered novelty party products. They are referred to as glow sticks necklaces and bracelets sometimes because they are in essence special size glow sticks.
    Glow Necklaces
